Parents Role In Educating Children

A. Family Role In Creating Personalities Children

Father and mother are the first example for the formation of children's personalities. Beliefs, thoughts and behaviors father and mother by itself has a very deep influence on the thinking and behavior. Because the human personality appears in the form of paintings on a wide range of situations and conditions within the family. Families act as executor factors in realizing the values, beliefs and culture of a society's perception. Father and mother who must carry out their duties in the presence of his son. Especially mothers should focus itself in maintaining moral, physical and mental state during pre pregnancy until the pregnancy with the hope God gives him a healthy and pious child. These factors separately or by themselves can not determine education without the other, but each has a share in determining the mutual education and personality of a person so that if one is not widely used then the other should be more emphasized
• The role of both parents in realizing the child's personality, among others:

1. Both parents should love and care for her children. When the children get enough love and affection from both parents, so when they are outside the home and face the new problems they will be able to confront and solve them properly. Conversely, if both parents are too interfere in their affairs, or they force their children to obey them, then the behavior of both parents so this will be a barrier to the perfection of their personality.

2. Both parents should keep quiet home environment and preparing children for peace of mind. Because this will cause the growth potential and creativity of children sense that ultimately the desire and their willingness to be strong and they should be given the right to vote.

3. Mutual respect between both parents and children. Sincerely yours here does not mean outwardly polite but besides the firmness of both parents, they should pay attention to desire and demand for natural and fitri children. Mutual respect means to reduce the criticism and negative talk sekaitan with their personality and behavior and create a climate of affection and intimacy, and at the same time both parents should keep their legal rights related to themselves and others. Both parents must be firm so that they also wanted to honor one another.

4. Realizing the trust. Appreciate and give confidence to children means giving awards and eligibility for them, as this will make them go forward and try and brave in attitude. Trust of children against itself will cause them easier to accept the flaws and errors that exist in them. They are confident and sure of their own abilities. By helping others they feel useful and important presence.

5. Hold family gatherings and meetings (both parents and children). By looking at the nature of curiosity and mental needs of children, they always want to know about himself. The second task is to give parents information about body composition and change and growth of their children. Furthermore both parents must introduce them about issues of faith, morals and laws and jurisprudence of human life. If both parents are not as good a place of reference and adequate for their children then the children will look for other examples; either or both and this will prepare the child's means of diversion.
The most important thing is that the father and mother are the only example of a first for her children in the formation of personality, as well as children are not aware they would be affected, then both parents here serve as an exemplary role model for them both at the level of theoretical and practically. Father and mother before they teach religious values ​​and morals as well as emotionally to their children, their own first have to practice it.

B. Family Role in Education

Children are a deposit of God the Almighty, because it's fate and future of children is the responsibility of us all. But the ultimate responsibility lies on parents respectively. The parents are first obliged to raise, educate, and raise his children in order to become a capable and useful man. After a child's personality is formed, then the role of parents is to teach the values ​​of education to their children. Education provided by parents to their children is an education that will always go hand in hand with the formation of the child's personality. The process of education for the younger generation has three important pillars. The third pillar, schools, communities and families. Understanding the role of the family's real parents.
Patterns of national education lead to three important pillars separately. Separate from the public schools or parents. The role of parents is limited to the issue of funding. Parents and the community was not involved in the education process of decision-making regarding the monitoring, supervision and accountability. As a result the school has no burden to account for the results of the implementation of education to parents.

Children represent the future for every parent. At the age of the children, children who lack compassion and caring parents are often moody, unstable and insecure. When the age of adolescence sometimes they take a shortcut, and run away from home and become street children. Excessive Kesibukkan parents, especially mothers, causing children to lose interest. A mother is a career outside the home for example and spend time in his career many, many more issues facing shortage of these interactions. It is conceivable, if the mother only had a day at most 2 - 3 hours to meet with the child. Child closer to the nanny or maid. In fact, television is not capable of being good parents, because the events that aired not all good. There is still a film of children who are less educated and impressed stimulate children perform destructive acts that played on television stations in Indonesia. television is not so good for the future education of children today. Because the future of children's views of education provided parents laying early.
By providing the highest possible education, all children's lives will run smoothly, education anaklah wheel of life. And also education is still an expensive investment. The role of parents in education has a major role towards the child's future. So to get the best education, then as parents should try to send children to the highest level of education is one way that children are able to be financially independent future. As a parent should be as early as possible to plan the future of the children so they do not languish. Childhood is a period of transition and continuity in towards the level of maturity in preparation for reaching youth. This means that the progress achieved in the development of children is a stock success in educating parents. Both the bad attitudes and behavior in childhood, is very much determined by their experiences in seeing the people around him, especially his parents. Those are all educational provision for children later on.

On the other hand, children are the generation that has a number of potential that should be developed in educational activities as well as their creativity. Children have characteristics include rapid physical growth and mature. all the potential to be meaningful if the child is nurtured and developed as directed so that they become human beings who have empowerment. Without good guidance all the potential it will not provide a positive impact, even the opposite could happen that cause various problems and obstacles. Especially when looking forward, the greater the challenges of globalization, then coaching education to children must also be strengthened. Children should be oriented towards a positive outlook on life and active and is obliged to determine himself, concerned with satisfaction of the work he did, oriented to the future and learn to plan for life as carefully as possible. Education is something that should get priority.

This is where the responsibility of parents to be able to sort out the good educational institutions for their child and in accordance with the capabilities it has, through a financial planning education. Currently, many financial institutions in Indonesia such as banking and insurance products that offer education in the form of savings and insurance education. Able from the womb, cradle, toddler age or over it, so that children get used to things that are positive. Here the role of parents is crucial in providing apektif traits in children and not merely cognitive.

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